I AM A DJ – Critter Cabal
Critter Cabal hail from Cardiff but have their roots in much more busy & competitive scenes – Singer/Guitarist Al has been all over the states with guitar strapped to his back (and potentially on his sweet ride, as seen in one famous Cinderella music video from his mispent youth!) playing for various bands like the Blackouts and Uncalled Four, the chasers & Plan 9 after growing up in a musical environment in the Chelsea Hotel and the East Village in New York City with his step father playing for Blood, Sweat And Tears.
He’s joined by two of the sophisticated Oxford music scene’s more recognisable undeground rhythm section players in Bassist Jen (previously with one-band-riot Smilex and before that Dolly with Little Fish’s JuJu) and Drummer Dan (sticksman for Indie luminaries like The Nubiles, The Four Storeys & The Mystics to namne but a few. The result is an instantaneous, effortless rock synergy.

Tell us a little about your latest release on quickfix recordings:
Someday is a song about longing for those you can not physically be near. It was written on spec for scriptwriter, Paul Hunt, for a short film about a Welsh Elvis impersonator who is haunting his son. It’s taken on a new personal meaning as the Cabal lost a very close family member to Covid.
Denim and Paisley is a snapshot of childhood life in the Bronx, NYC. Reverberating Peter Max artwork, 1970s colour pallets of sweltering city summers, fire escapes too hot to touch, and a veil of personal darkness.
How would you start a dj set?
Mountain Song-Jane’s Addiction. We live up a mountain, so coming down it means we are on our way to engage with society. This song swells with pending adventure and fills our boots with go-go juice.
First song you remember liking
I am the Walrus-The Beatles. A childhood standard that spoke to our young imaginations allowing us to expand our sense of description.
Favourite non single/deep cut that no one gives enough credit
Kurt Vile-Wild Imagination. Imagination is at the core of creating art and Kurt conveys this notion with personal, soothing, and insightful deftness. We saw him in Bristol at the 6 Music Festival when our son, Everett, was in utero. This could be the reason that he is his turning out to be a fine little critter.
Song that is not your usual thing but you love, weirdly
Empire State of Mind-Alicia Keyes/Jay-Z. I think Jay-Z has taken a lot of credit for this tune…..but it’s Alicia’s performance that raises the goosebumps. We’ve both lived in NYC(we met there) and it takes on an anthemic quality when you’ve given it a go in the Big Apple.
A favourite song you adopted from your parents tastes
Waiting for my Man- The Velvet Underground. There was a lot of music from this era swirling around in our houses….hard to choose. But this is one stands out for the music, cultural references, and the influence this band had on future bands that we came to love.
A song u love that other people seem to hate
Fire on the Mountain- Grateful Dead. Alex has been to Dead concerts and was mistaken for an undercover cop, so he’s not one to be mistaken for a “Dead Head”. We are from a much more punky, post-punk, metal, rock type of scene but have come to appreciate the unique melodic interplay that the Grateful Dead do so well.
Favourite tune to kick the party into top gear (not the tv show!)
X-Ray Visions- Clutch. Just a good ole ass-kicking song with intriguing lyrics.
A song that gets you in the mooooood for lovin! 😉
Who Was In My Room Last Night- Butthole Surfers. What Butthole Surfers song isn’t an aphrodisiac?
A song that you like to exercise to or adrenalises you
Struttin’ Cock- Nashville Pussy. From the revving V8 engine to the blistering guitar leads of Ms. Ruyter Suys we defy you to stand still and not run the fastest 100m that you have ever clocked. Green means go, motherfuckers, go!!
The best tune to close the night at a party/club/event
Bohemian Like You- The Dandy Warhols. A celebration of attraction, like mindedness, and lust. When those lights come up at the end of the night hopefully you will have found someone to whom you can say, “I like you, I like you, I like you”.
Favourite tune for the morning after
Morning- Edvard Grieg. No other song captures the dawn and awakening of life on this planet than Edvard’s jammy. We hope all of your morning afters are this soothing, pastoral, and loving.

Critter Cabal play The Fiddler’s Elbow London at the Mauvaise Bounce Event on Thursday 19th August 2021 with previous I Am A DJ featured artist The Subtheory and support Pear Person
Here’s the link:
Listen to their specially created playlist here…
Critter Cabal play The Fiddler’s Elbow London at the Mauvaise Bounce Event on Thursday 19th August 2021 with previous I Am A DJ featured artist The Subtheory and support Pear Person
Here’s the link:
Listen to their specially created playlist here…
Someday/Denim & Paisley available on all streaming platforms now via Quickfix Recordings
For more info/subscription to the Quickfix Digital Singles Club visit www.quickfixrecordings.com
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